Tuesday, September 9, 2008





There are a lot of articles and adds, even a best selling book, warning people of scams
concerning internet business opportunities. I wish to take issue with that stance. My experiences have shown me there are very few, if any, real scams.


By definition, a scam is when someone offers something for sell that does not exist, or is not
theirs' to sell. Most of those who are crying "scam" seem to be either selling something and using
this as a technique to gain your trust, or who are justifying their own fears and unwillingness to
step out and change their lives by labeling such efforts as scams. Before you buy into their crap,
shouldn't you ask yourself, what is their agenda?


First it is necessary to find a need you can fill by selling a product, service or skill.
Second is to gain knowledge concerning this need and a plan to market the product, service or
skill. People gain knowledge basically two ways. One way is by experience, learning from
mistakes and successes. This way is painful and costly. The other way is to learn from someone
else's experience.
Third, you need to apply the plan to market the service, product or skill.


We live in a wonderful time where there are so many different opportunities to try our wings.
Basically, the internet business offers, real estate investing offers and working toward your
financial independence guru's are people who were successful at it and want to share what they
have learned. How can anyone find fault with that? They should be thanked for their efforts to
help the rest of us. The opportunity is to short cut the process by buying their knowledge.
Over the last ten years I have worked closely with Carleton Sheets-No Money Down Real Estate, Robert Kiyosaki-Rich Dad, Poor Dad, Steven R. Covey-Seven Habits Of High Effective People and others. Each of these gentlemen reached their financial goals in life and took a year off to decide what to do with the rest of their lives. They each decided they wanted to share what they learned to help others.
Not only have I successfully used what they taught, I have also offered the opportunity to help thousands of others who bought their materials, to do the same. Over 90% succeeded. Ask any of these who didn't get it to work, if it was a scam, and most will agree that it was simply their own fault it didn't work.
I have tried several internet business offers and have always gotten my money's worth.


Most people choose to be spectators, watching others succeed. Their fears, doubts and
rationalizing controling them.
We get pretty well what we deserve in life. After all, you are in control of the choices you make,
however, you have no control over the consequences of those choices. If you don't like where
you are or what you are doing, do something about it. If you don't know what to do, get
knowledge. The price you pay for that knowledge depends on how you obtain it. The more you
do on your own, the more expensive in money, lost time and mistakes.


If you would like to be your own boss, or work from home, or even become financially
independent; here are the steps.
One have a very strong desire, strong enough to want to take action.
Two is gain knowledge, enough knowledge to give you a course of action.
Three is to act on that knowledge.
Four is don't quit. If someone else did it, so can you.
Successfully working from home is good. Being your own boss is great. Being financially
independent is priceless.

Ken Allred

Friday, September 5, 2008

In 1951, when I was eight years old, I had a big wart in the joint of my big toe. It hurt to walk on it so my parents took me to the doctor to have it removed. He sat down with me and explained that, at that time, they didn't know what caused warts, however, it seemed that some strange "traditional methods" often worked. He felt that what the mind believed, could directly effect results. What he called the psychosomatic effect, the mind influencing illness or afflictions for good or making them worse depending on the persons' mind set. He told me that he believed about 75% of all sickness was psychosomatic, including things like most headaches, warts, etc. After explaining this to my eight year old mind, he then took me in and dug out the wart. The pain cemented his words into my mind. Shortly thereafter, I contracted the mumps and suffered a terrific headache. I remembered what the doctor said and decided that I would never have another headache, and I never have.When I was fifteen, I began to have panic attacks. They were frightening and embarrassing. In those days, doctors didn't know what they were and called them seizures. None of them knew how to treat them. Then at seventeen, they went away and didn't return until I was twenty-two. During that time many different kinds of doctors tried to help, with little beneficial effect. One doctor asked me to come with him while he investigated the claims of an old Apache medicine man who was causing quite a stir in the area where he was practicing his brand of medicine with cancer patients. We spent several days listening to scores of people tell us amazing stories of how this medicine man had cured their cancers after regular doctors had given up on curing them. He accomplished this through proper diet and an herbal drink. He alone knew the formula of the herbs he used to cause these amazing healings and refused to share it with anyone. He died taking the knowledge with him.However, proper diet made sense to me, and the use of herbs awakened in me a desire to know more. Using the things I have learned in caring for my large family over the years, I have learned the value of proper diet, natural foods and herbs in promoting good health. In fact, I took a drug for 23 years to control my panic attacks until I discovered a natural product that controls them better than the drug did. I have not taken the drug since 1995.Medicine has made remarkable advancements over the years and it would be foolish not to take advantage of this knowledge for our benefit. However, sometimes it seems that proper diet and the abandonment of things like herbs and natural methods that were effective in the past in favor of artificial drugs with questionable results and that have all kinds of detrimental side effects seems equally foolish to me. I have practiced a pattern of trying the natural, or homeopathic cure, with no side effects, first. If the results are not beneficial then the modern drug next. It has served me and my family well. I believe that the internet provides a wonderful opportunity to pass on the things I have learned to help others by providing products that I find that will help the sufferer heal. I am not a doctor and don't claim to diagnose or cure anyone. I only desire to offer what makes good common sense in the belief that you will benefit from these inexpensive products. Recently, through the internet, I found a product that I believe to be truly amazing in it's overall benefit. I have centered this product on my health web site, as well as others that I will hope be of service.
To view products for a healthy lifestyle that I am pleased to sponsor visit: http://www.gracedynamics.org/

Thursday, August 28, 2008


This is the view from my back yard. We own four homes on this particular lake.
Without the knowledge that others were willing to share, we would not be enjoying the life we have. When the student is ready the teacher will come.
I placed my life in God's hands early in life, and what a difference that has made. I could never had come up with the life I have enjoyed on my own.

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Working from home is the dream of many. If to work for yourself is your desire and you are really determined to do it, if you just knew what to do. Congradulations. Most people don't have the courage to set out and work for themselves.
In the 1800's most of the people worked for themselves, mostly as farmers. It was the norm to depend on yourself and do everything for yourself. You built your own home, made your own clothes, grew your own food, etc. Then the explosion of knowledge gave people the opportunity to specialize. You could pay someone to make your clothes, grow your food, build your home, etc. The really brave ones started their own business. Those who didn't want to take the chance, worked for those that were willing to take the chance. Many failed. Some succeeded. Think about that. If the business failed, both the owner and the employee had to do something else. But if the business succeeded, who made the most money? If the business fails both lose, but if it succeeds, the boss makes the most money. Why not be the boss?
Over forty years of experience of working for others, being in management, or being my own boss I have learned that which ever one you do can take about the same amount of time and effort to succeed, they are just different jobs. The difference is in the pay.
Over several months, I purchased a number of offered programs that stated that they would teach me how to make money on the internet. I received an amazing amount of information and went through hundreds of pages teaching me how to do what they offered. I set up three sites and offered products, advertising, etc. Doing what I had been taught. However, being a novice, I made many errors and earned not one dime. Refusing to give up I kept trying and learning more. Finally, I came upon one program that offered me the opportunity to join their new company and gave me one on one help, assuring my success. Overall, I am grateful for what I have learned and do not feel anyone has, in any way, scamed me. Many of the programs I signed up for offered help, however, while they did, I was usually working with employees and help was slow and often inadaquate. That is normal when one has many students and must rely on employees. That is what I like about the company I am now with. They are new and I can now get their help as I need it, but also can help those that come in after me. Feel free to check it out on my site at: http://www.gracedynamics.net/

Other opportunites;
$7/month ebook sales: http://www.gracedynamics.com/

20 And we beheld the glory of the Son, on the right hand of the Father, and received of his fulness;

21 And saw the holy angels, and them who are sanctified before his throne, worshiping God, and the Lamb, who worship him forever and ever.

22 And now, after the many testimonies which have been given of him, this is the testimony, last of all, which we give of him: That he lives!

23 For we saw him, even on the right hand of God; and we heard the voice bearing record that he is the Only Begotten of the Father—

24 That by him, and through him, and of him, the worlds are and were created, and the inhabitants thereof are begotten sons and daughters unto God